Sara Lippett is #MadeForKnoxville.

Sara has a heart dedicated to supporting people with developmental disabilities. Revolutionary Love Home Care Co is the action behind that dedication — a licensed, nonprofit startup that she plans to provide individuals a community home setting with. 

Through Revolutionary Love Care Co, Sara hopes to provide these individuals with safe, compassionate care that improves their quality of life. As she ventures through the startup phase of her vision, she hopes to find support from others with the same desire to deinstitutionalize disabilities and give every person a chance at the kind of life any person deserves. 

“I have children with disabilities and I always worry about what or where my kids could go and still be able to feel a sense of independence and a part of the community. We are opening this to give families and individuals a sense of security that their loved one would be taken great care of by a group of nurses who will get them out into the community as much as they desire.” 

In Their Own Words..

Hello my name is Sara Lippett, Founder of Revolutionary Love Home Care Co of Knoxville TN. We are in the start up portion of our newly licensed NONPROFIT that supports individuals with developmental disabilities in a community home like setting, providing 24 hour support and outings into the community. We are hopeful to find supporters, sponsors, fundraisers, donations to help deinstitutionalize disabilities and give them the quality of life they deserve. We are licensed as a 501(c)(3) EIN, DUN If you could be of help with this vision we would greatly appreciate it. 


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