Monika Miller is #MadeForKnoxville.
Monika lives for helping others declutter and organize their homes — but that passion is packed with deeper purpose. To Monika, the act of cleaning brings clarity, and each decluttering decision is approached with the question “does it spark joy?”
This magical question guides Monika and her clients through every organizational quest. In seeking joy and asking “why?” decluttering goes beyond physical spaces — Monika’s work helps others rediscover mental and emotional space that’s been overcrowded for too long.
“Something magical happens when we decide what it is we are going to keep in our lives using the single metric of “does it spark joy?” We clear out not only the physical clutter but the mental and emotional clutter as well.”
In Their Own Words..
The big idea I’d like to share with the community is that while the question “does it spark joy?” may seem inconsequential, it is the most profound question we need to be asking ourselves right now.
You see, I grew up in communist Poland and I can tell you that the way to a sustainable future isn’t going to be through sacrifice and scarcity. I know we will get there by following our joy and celebrating abundance.
My name is Monika Miller and I started a business helping people discover their joy through the act of intentionally decluttering and organizing their homes.
I came to this work from a career in sustainable architecture. I started feeling that before we talk with our clients about WHAT we are going to build, and HOW sustainable we will attempt to make their home, we should perhaps start with WHY we are building in the first place? I propose that everyone goes through this value clarifying exercise once in their lives, but especially before building or moving into a new home.
Something magical happens when we decide what it is we are going to keep in our lives using the single metric of “does it spark joy?” We clear out not only the physical clutter but the mental and emotional clutter as well. When we do this, a deeper part of ourselves starts speaking through us. Are we ready to hear what this deeper part of ourselves has to say?
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