Mac Bartine is #MadeForKnoxville.
With SmartRIA, Mac and his team are able to relieve some of the burden financial advisors face in their work. To Mac, compliance software should be simple and supportive, not overwhelmingly complicated or scary.
The spirit of SmartRIA lies in their motto, “Software as a partnership.” When a company decides to work with SmartRIA, they’re getting more than just software—they’re getting support, safety and peace of mind.
“SmartRIA embodies the can-do spirit of our “Scruffy City.”

In Their Own Words..
SmartRIA is a software as a service company that specializes in simplifying compliance workflows for the wealth management industry. In 5 years, using the extensive local talent pool, we have grown from nothing to the 3rd-largest company in our industry with respect to the number of companies using our platform. SmartRIA embodies the can-do spirit of our “Scruffy City”, having achieved success raising less than 1/10 of the funds raised by our 2 largest competitors.
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