Kiame Biandudi is #MadeForKnoxville.
It took a little coercion from her support group, but when Kiame finally allowed herself to tap into her creative abilities, she knew she had a service worthy of sharing with others. Kiame’s background in Marketing exposed her to the art of visual branding, and now she offers her skills in that field to her Maker City clientele.
Whether its graphics, web design or photos, KiameDesiree Visuals delivers quality service backed by years of passion. Kiame’s shyness around her skills have steadily morphed into confidence, and she’s ready to share the products of that with her fellow Knoxville businesses in need of a visual identity.
“Over the course of these last two years, I’ve learned a lot about the bravery it takes to step into a city full of makers and announce that you too are a maker worthy of clientele. I’ve learned the importance of diligence and commitment to your business. And most importantly, in my opinion, I learned the importance of a solid support team of like-minded individuals.”
In Their Own Words..
In 2019, I was hired on as Marketing Director for The Carpetbag Theatre, Inc. I’m still there today, but throughout my tenure, my co-workers and leadership have been extraordinarily encouraging of gifts they saw in me that I felt were there, but hadn’t quite tapped into.
With their encouragement, I took on photography – a life long love of mine that I had been hesitant to delve into as there are so many talented photographers in the city. I decided to start a company called Ever Evolving Photography.
I continued shooting clients around Knoxville and even began traveling under my newfound company. As I continued to develop my skill, I watched client requested morph. Suddenly, I wasn’t just a photographer. I became a stylist, creative director, graphic designer, and independent marketing consultant for start-ups, budding entrepreneurs, and rising social media influencers.
By June 2020, with some major encouragement and confidence boosting experiences, I decided to completely rebranded my company. I wanted clients to know that my services cover all things visual – from concept to photography to styling to graphics, and even web design. I wanted to be a one stop shop for my clients, so on October 13th, 2020, KiameDesiree Visuals was born.
Over the course of these last two years, I’ve learned a lot about the bravery it takes to step into a city full of makers and announce that you too are a maker worthy of clientele. I’ve learned the importance of diligence and commitment to your business. And most importantly, in my opinion, I learned the importance of a solid support team of like-minded individuals.
I had always been a bit shy about my services – thinking I’m not as good as the next designer – but a mentor of mine told me, “There’s enough out here for everybody to eat. Every designer/photographer brings a different perspective to the table that one client might like, but another won’t. There are, however, enough clients out here for everybody to eat and your client base will find you.”
Had it not been for him, I wouldn’t have had the courage it took to stand confidence on my gifts and market them to the city.
I have been steadily and confidently working my crafts since then and have even branched into education, teaching workshops for Maker City and Knoxville Area Urban League. I am also in the process of creating a comprehensive workbook for business owners looking to create and establish their brands.
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