Edward Cook is #MadeForKnoxville.
Edward Cook has preceded his name by cooking up a concoction for wellness. Since his teenage years, Cook has been passionate about health and wellness. More recently, he became interested in the benefits of turmeric, a spice that comes from a root containing curcumin, which is shown to help with inflammation. After adding the spice to his water, his taste buds were reluctant, and so he decided to make it easier to ingest and add other ingredients to increase the benefits of the supplement.
After much research and perfecting his ingredients, Cook created Dr. Neptune, a customized and tasty supplement containing turmeric, multi-collagen, and amino acids. The supplement is an immunity enhancer and contributes to stronger nails and skin, strength and endurance, gut health, and offers anti-inflammatory properties.
“It’s a very, very unique, healthy powdered dietary supplement that I have perfected over time.”
In Their Own Words..
I’ve been passionate about health and wellness since my late teens. A couple of years ago I started to experiment with the healing herb Turmeric. I added some to my water bottle and noticed that it didn’t taste good and it was hard to consume. So I began to experiment by flavoring with Collagen and Amino Acids. Over time I’ve perfected this product and made it unique. Dr. Neptune combines 3 supreme ingredients that are usually only sold separately. Turmeric Elite Fish, Eggshell, Bovine and Chicken Broth Collagen Fruit Flavored Branch Chain Amino Acids. It’s a very tasty, very healthy powdered dietary supplement best used when mixed with water.
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